
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spectacular Sunday and Several Cards

It is a spectacular Sunday since I am able to spend some quality time crafting without interruptions. I have no papers to grade since all grades were due last week, and we only have 3 school days left which are all Early Dismissal. What an Easie Peasie week!

Last night I finished up two cards that I had started earlier in the day, but did not post. We watched a movie which captured my attention for a couple of hours.
These wooden buttons are perfect for sliding ribbon. I found them at Joanns on clearance for 25 cents. The oval was embossed and inked. Happy Father's Day was cut from the Wild Card cartridge.

The decorative paper is BoBunny. The scalloped circle was embossed with a floral folder then inked. Orange buttons and pink gems were added to the center of each flower. Fabulous! is a stamp by My Pink Stamper.

This morning, I created a new type of card that Tara of Homemade Happiness made. It is a sunburst style and it uses your scraps. I really like this type and can see making many more in the future. The directions can be found here.


 I still have one more new type of card on my "to-do" list that I want to make tonight. Jessica of Chick-n-Scrap has made two twisted easel cards and really likes them, so I thought I would give one a try too.

I sure hope your Sunday has been great. After posting this, I am going to make dinner and then give that easel card a try.

Stay Creative,


  1. Wow, Georgiana, when I first clicked on your blog, I could only see the Father's Day card and I was thinking how nice it looked. I love the colors and the woodgrain look on the oval. Then I saw there were more cards, and OMG, they're all beautiful!! Love them all and they look pretty simple to make. I might have to do some scraplifting!!--Pat

  2. I love them all! Are those cards not so fun to make, super easy and an excellent way to use up scraps! My favourite is the red and black one!

  3. Thanks for your sweet comments! I love ALL of your cards. You are so creative!!! Great job.

  4. Great set of cards! Love those wooden buttons and such a score!

  5. Cute card, Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  6. Great way to use scraps!!! And we all know we have LOTS of those!!! Thanks for linking up with Patches of Pink!

  7. I love the wooden buttons and the rest of the cards are just as equally fantastic. I love Tara's sunburst style she has shown us a lot of lately. Great way to use up scraps and it makes a delightful card. You did wonderful!

  8. Gosh you have been busy - love that inking

    kitten DYSU team

  9. Great Job! I love the combination - You did a great job working with it ! Good luck and thanks for playing with us at Crafty Creations

    Juelmarie DT


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