Meet Your Teacher was yesterday and what a FABULOUS turnout. I had 20 out of 21 students attend, which was an AWESOME turnout! The other student's mom works at my husband's school, so she sent me a message that she was trying to get her room ready too (I understand!). This is going to an amazing year with wonderful students. MANY of my students popped in from last year...YEAH! I was very disappointed they were not in my class again, but they are in the room next to me, so I can still see them everyday! A few of my former students from years ago even stopped by which always makes it better. Kids sure do grow fast!
I wanted to share my classroom pictures (there are LOTS of them) since I have been working on it for the past couple of weeks and haven't been making many other projects.
I re-did my bulletin boards and file cabinet by my desk. For the past five years I had a HUGE moose, but I decided it was time for him to go on a nature walk. I replaced green fabric with black and then doubled the polka dot borders. I found three education quotes and framed them on the left. I made my name banner on the right.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.

My new word wall.
I added the BW pennant border (there was none before) and cut out black letters from Plantin Schoolbook.
Skills of the Week
This is new. I wrote the Unit Essential Question on each document frame (same size as copy paper, so do not get picture frames) with Expo marker. The skill can be changed as the unit changes. Lesson Questions will be written at the front of room.
My daughter repainted this bookshelf to freshen the crisp white look. I replaced the baskets (Dollar Tree) with yellow. Students are able to get supplies independently.
My daughter painted this file cabinet black and then I added the double border. I created our PBS (positive behavior system) moto reminders...SOAR.
Another bookshelf, but this one did not need to be painted since it is newer. I added pennant border to the top shelf. I forgot to take a picture of the other side of my file cabinet, but will add later. I have individual pocket charts (attached with magnets) that are numbered for Ticket out the Door.
This is the front of classroom. I added pennant border and created a polka dot Powerpoint, which rotated as parents and students visited.
The books are being switched out this weekend from 4th grade to 5th grade editions. I will be in the class again to organize them before Monday morning.
Daily Schedule
The black fabric as replaced on the doors and I switched my blue pocket chart to yellow.
Science and Social Studies Boards
More black fabric and double polka dot border.
AR Incentive Chart along with my clothespin on 5 points.
Reading Area
I replaced my file folders with new ones form Ikea (5 pack for $1.99). I trimmed with green polka dot decorative tape and yellow labels. I have three more boxes to label once I add a few more themes. I also replaced my old red carpet with a black one.
Student Desks
The baskets, treats, and name tags.

I posted the baskets and bookmarks earlier in the week, but here are the treats. YES, more polka dots!
Here are the two sayings I used...
This year will be bursting with lots of learning!
I’m bursting with excitement that you’re in my class!
I was told after Meet Your Teacher the students went to the Assistant Principal and said I had dots ALL over the room, so that gave me another idea. BIG polka dots on the walls! I do not want to paint them (not sure of policy), but vinyl dots scattered about!
Thanks for checking out my class photos!