
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sweetheart Blog Hop

Welcome Sweeties!

I am so glad you decided to visit today. We have a great line-up with so many wonderful projects for the Valentine season. I hope you will be feeling the love after you have seen what we have created. There are only 10 of us, so enjoy the crafts and the goodies along the way.

Here is the line-up and each site will provide a link to the next crafter. 
Georgiana @ Carson's Cricut Creations (That is me)
Cheryl @ Cards by CG
Jen @ Purple scrapbooker
Carri @ A Busy Bee
Celeste @ C.C's Cards and Crafts
Libby @ Beach Creations
Heather @ House Built of Cards
Lisa @ Lisa's Scrap'n Shack
Tracy @ Craft Junkie Too
Star @ Star's Paper Passion

My first card used layered florals as the focal point with Bo Bunny printed paper as the background. There is a black flower brad in the center of the dainty pink petals.

This card below was a special treat (although it is not Valentine related, it is definitely filled with LOTS of LOVE) and I hope the couple that receives this has a beautiful wedding and a happy marriage. A co-worker asked me to make a wedding card after she showed me an invitation. I asked for a piece of the vellum that was included and then I thought how perfect it would be to have a personalized card.
This  card was created for a co-worker's grandkid for Valentine's Day. Can you tell the grandma thinks she is the sweetest? The name is sure to make the little one smile.
Simply Charmed

What is a hop without some goodies?
I am offering a lovely kit that includes: papers, stickers, and chipboards. There are also black letters, a flower stamp, and silver gems.  
Please leave a comment with a way to contact you and share what your "sweetest" memory is for a chance to win these goodies. The winner will be selected by and then announced on Tuesday, February 8th.

As a special bonus since I am feeling quite sweet this morning, if I reach 415 followers or receive 75 comments I will give away another prize pack. If both occur then I will give away two extra goodies. Oh, how I am feeling super sweet now! :)

Be sure to visit Cheryl at Cards by CG next.
 She always has something amazing!

Enjoy and Stay Creative,

"Where there is love there is life." ~ Gandhi 


  1. Great projects Georgiana. I love the wedding card. I am now a follower. I am new to blogging and enjoy the hops. If you get a chance, check out my blog.

  2. Beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing! My sweetest memory is my wedding day! :-)
    carrie dot slaughter at gmail dot com

  3. I'm already a follower and I love the 2 cards for the grandchildren! Too sweet. My sweetest memory is when my mom sent me an Edible Fruit Bouquet, rather than candy, because I have severe insulin resistance and she wanted me to know how much she loved me! kelly dot schaefer at ymail dot com

  4. Lovely projects. TFS.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your cards are lovely! My sweetest memory would be actually six - the first time I saw each of my grandchildren born! Thanks for sharing and I want to invite you to our blog hop, Lots of Love, which starts @ 11 AM (EST). I am a follower and wish you much success with your crafting passion!
    Mama LoveBug from LoveBug Creations
    pam_lash at yahoo dot com

  7. These are amazing cards! I absolutely love the first card and the colors that you used! I am now a follower and am just starting out in the blogging world and would love for you to come check it out! My sweetest memory is every time my family and I are together! Thanks for sharing!
    ddikinson24 at gmail dot com

  8. These cards are great!!! thank you for sharing, you are very talented. Valentines day is always great for me because as a family we do things together. Every memory is a great memory!

    zenzen89 at bellsouth dot net

  9. I just became a follower of your blog. You creative some very nice things. The cards you did for this blog hop are super. The two for the grandkids are so cute! Thanks for the chance at such an awesome giveaway!

    sherri underscore braun at hotmail dot com

  10. Love the cards! My spececial memory would be when my son was first born and that valentines day my husband surprised me with a ring with his birthstone. Thanks for the blog

  11. Love all your cards! Such great colours! TFS!

  12. They are all beautiful, but I must admit I am partial to the first one - just because I LOVE pink and black together!

  13. Thanks for the awesome post and give away. Love your work

  14. Love all your fav is the first the papers and of course the pink.. my sweetest memory is just spending time with my hubby..:)


  15. All your cards are wonderful but that wedding card is gorgeous!!
    miller896042 at bellsouth dot net

  16. Such great cards! I love the pink flower!
    ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. Beautiful cards :) I have many sweet moments but ones spent with family are definitely the best!


  18. Very pretty cards! My sweetest memory was my wedding day!
    Nokitten at hotmail dot com

  19. What a pretty card. My sweetest memory is my wedding day and the days my kids were born. TFS

    kwillis_15 at yahoo dot com

  20. Beautiful cards, I love love the Bo Bunny one, just amazing. TFS

    cworkman4 at gmail dot com

  21. I am a follower and my best memory is when the kids were younger, we made little valentine cakes and gave each one of them their own personalized cake! ALL 10 of them

    dfhenson at q dot com

  22. Great cards. The best memories for Valentine's day happened three years ago when our 2nd granddaughter, Kate was born. She has brought some much joy (Just like the other 2) into our lives. Congrats on over 415 followers which I am one. Thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  23. Beautiful cards! I especially like the first one with the flowers. My sweetest memory is when my daughter was 3 years old. I went to pick her up from school and when I got there she had a HUGE smile on her face as she handed me a bunch of acorns and said, "I got these for you mommy because I love you SO MUCH!" She is almost 6 now and she still brings acorns home from school for our acorn collection :-) goddessmychele at gmail dot com

  24. Beautiful cards! One of my sweetest memories was when I was a child , on Valentines Day, I came home from school and my Mom had cleaned our bedrooms and a valentine card was laying on our pillow. Mind you, there are 11 kids and 5 bedrooms lol. As a child and out of the norm for my Mom it was pretty special:)

  25. Love your cards! My Best Valentines Memories are when I get up and go out to the kitchen and my husband has a card & Flowers sitting there waiting to surprise me first thing in the morning:)

  26. found your blog through the hot spot., great cards and loved looking through your blog.


  27. Love it all! My sweetest memory would have to be each of my children being bornnot to mention all the little things they say that just touch the heart.

  28. Beautiful cards!! TFS! I'm your newest follower. :)

  29. I love the cards they are all so wonderful. My sweetest memory probably (I have so many, it's hard to pick) was when I was little and we would dance with our parents to the old record player. I always felt so special and grown up.
    mary3mom at yahoodotcom

  30. Beautiful job, Georgiana!!!! I loved participating in this hop!!!!! You're so talented; thanks for sharing that amazing talent!!! :) That's a hard thing for my to answer. Two of my sweetest memory is giving birth to my two little ones! Another sweet memory was of my wedding. :)

  31. Hi Georgiana,

    My sweetest memory is the birth of my kiddos, especially my second son (my older son was in the room and was super excited to see his new little bro).

    Thanks for sharing,

  32. Beautiful cards! TFS I think one of my sweetest memories is seeing my grandfather hold my son, since he passed away when he was only 6 months old.

    croppinmommadesigns at wowway dot com

  33. Super cards G! My sweetest memory was walking in the snow with Hot chocolate when I was prego!

  34. Cute cards! I have many sweet memories and the best ones are spent with my kids. TFS!

    amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

  35. New follower!!! Absolutely love your cards! Every one was different and special! Beautiful job! My sweetest memory...hands down holding my 3 beauties when they were each born! Thannks for sharing you creativity with us!!!


    kmbrlysue22 at yahoo dot com

  36. Your cards are beautiful. My sweetest memory is my wedding day. Thanks for the hop and giveaway!

    jenlovcarr at aol dot com

  37. Your cards are so always!! I LOVE being in hops with you!

    My sweetest memory - seeing & holding Tommy for the first time!

  38. What cute cards!! You did a great job!!


  39. The recipents of these cards are very lucky. Sweet valentines and an absolutely lovely wedding card. The vellum from their invitation is such a nice touch. My sweetest memories are my wedding day, the birth of my daughter and being presnt when both of my grandsons were born.

  40. love all the cards you did such a great job on each of them! thanks for sharing and the chance to win!

  41. your cards are great and the wedding card is super special
    poochietoo at

  42. Ho Georgiana, Love the cards!! MY sweetest memory was the first Va;entines day that my daughter was old enough to make her own card, and bring it to me herself. She was 2 and she was so excited to run to me on Valentines day and yell Happy Balentimes Day Mommy! Karen<3

  43. Hello, I love your cards, totally adorable! GLad to become a new follower as well! My sweetest memory this year was when I got my little kitty back she had gone missing for 4 horrible months! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Email: arebori0204@gmail
    If you get a chance I love new friends!

  44. Love the cards! The card with the flower in the middle looks very elegant. Great job!

  45. I love your flower card. It looks so elegant!!

    ScrappinAsh at gmail dot com

  46. Wow! the first card is so beautiful! TFS

    desaucier at bellsouth dot net

  47. I have been a happy follower for awhile now... I enjoy your fun blog! THank you for sharing your adorable card today... I appreciate the inspiration. pjritsema at gmail dot com

  48. Georgiana,

    Congratulations!!! :) You have so many followers!

    And I love your beautiful cards!!! What a treat to be inspired by so many!

    Thank you so much for sharing,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  49. Oops I forgot to post my sweetest memory...I think any memory is sweet! I tend to put the not so great things out of my mind (once I've learned from them, hopefully!)!

    My sweetest of my sweet memories would have to be my wedding day, the day my son was born, and the day my daughter was born!!! :)

  50. Thanks for hosting this blog hop, what fun eye candy. Not to be a copy-cat but I'd have to say that the days my two beautiful children were born into my life are difinitely my sweetest memories. I was blessed with wonderful birthing experiences and I have nothing but sweet memories of those day.

  51. ~ Wow. I really like the first card. The flower?! FAB!! And what a giveaway! I would just die!! Thank you for the chance to win it!!

    ~ I'm a new Follower of your Blog!

    ~ My sweetest memory? Well if we're talking Spring/Valentine's ... then 6 years ago when my Hubs purposely had me so freaking ticked off at him on Valentine's Day (to throw me off) and then turned around and proposed. Awww!

    Hip Hop and Awaaaaayyy!

    Email: QC Kelsey
    Visit Blog: Crystal Case Creative Creations

  52. LOVe them!!! I'm a new follower and love your work!!!

  53. WOW.. These are beautiful...
    My sweetest memories has to be the birth of my 2 daughters..
    I am already a follower of your blog
    TFS and a chance to win

  54. All of your cards are so beautiful! Thank you for having along for this wonderful blog hop. It has been tons of fun!
    My sweetest memory is of my daughters first cry. She is adopted and was placed with us when she was 6 weeks old. when we got her she had 15 broken ribs and both legs were broken from having been abused at 11 days old. It took her a month before she ever started to cry because she was afraid that we would hurt her if she did. The doctors said that she would start crying when she felt safe with us. So her first cry is my sweetest memory.

  55. Found your blog through this blog hop and I must say that your work is just beautiful! I am a new follower!

    ojdorman at gmail dot com

  56. These cards are amazing! My sweetest memory is when my husband and were dating our first valentine together he snuck in my apartment( got an extra key from my mom) and had balloons and knick knacks which i still have. it was so sweet

  57. Love your cards! They are beautiful! My sweetest memory is the day my boys were born!
    Thanks for the hop.

  58. Beautiul project, thank you for sharing, my best sweetest memory is the small but beautiful safire & diamond ring that my husband bought all by himself and I still wear it to this day 40 years later.

  59. Love the cards. The wedding card is so elegant and the childrens' cards are adorable. My sweetest memory has got to be the birth of my daughter almost 37 years ago. Then she gave me 2 grandchildren with another due in about 45 days.

  60. Beautiful cards. I love those Valentine's cards for kids. They are extremely cute.
    My sweetest memory must be the day my dd born and the first moment I have her in my arms... I know it is not a Valentine's day memory, but it is for sure a Love memory.
    Vivi M.

  61. Beautiful and amazing cards. I guess I would have to say my sweetest memory is my wedding day (2nd time around for both of us) to my best friend and buddy on Valentine's Day 24 years ago. Wonderful and still is. I am a follower and thanks for sharing. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  62. my sweetest memory was my valentines day wedding 23 years ago........thanks for sharing your talents with us.

  63. Love the cards, especially the wedding one. My sweetest memory is the day I knew my Dh was in love with me! We celebrate our 28 th wedding anniversary this year.Thanks for the chance to win.

  64. All of these creations are so very lovely! My sweetest memory was the day I became a grandma! You will see my one and only grandson featured on my blog often as he is the light of my life. Thanks for this awesome and generous giveaway!

  65. My sweetest memory, is when my two boys made me a Valentine Card
    They were 4 and almost 10. With a drawing of me.

  66. My sweetest memory is when my husband (at that time my boyfriend) took care of me when I had a gall stone attack. He mentioned how he wanted to be with me in sickness and in health.
    username at yahoo dot com

  67. I love your cards!!! My sweetest memory is when my oldest son was 8, he made me a valentine. It was crooked and messy but it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen!
    carriedan1 at live dot com

  68. Hi Georgiana, cute creations, but I really like the personalized wedding card, beautiful and nice blog hop title! Gaby

  69. i love your cards!! so cute!! my sweetest memory is the day my little daughter was born...then my wedding...ha ha ha thanks for sharing your cards!

  70. OMG!!! Georgiana, you are well over 415 follower and I'm comment 74!!! Congrats and love your cards very pretty THanks for sharing!!!

  71. Georgina what great cards! It's really hard to think of a sweetest memory there have been so many but my first moments after each of my 3 children were born are among the most special. I also am especially taken when my husband and I exchanged our vows. Thanks for sharing your talent, I have become a follower!

  72. Hi, I'm a new follower... your projects are lovely!. My greatest Valentine memory is the 1st valentine date my princess went on with my hubby and me. For the past 7 years my daughter and I have gone on a special Valentine's date with Daddy.

  73. this is a fun blog hop..teriffic blog..

  74. Lovely cards. I am a new follower. My sweetest memories are the births of my 2 children they were long awaited and I was filled with wonder(Much Later after some sleep).
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  75. Cute cards! I am a new follower. My sweetest memory is our valentine's trip to Gatlinburg TN a few years ago. That is my favorite place to go!
    emcspadden09 at gmail dot com

  76. Congrats on reaching your goals for followers and comments! My sweetest memory has to be the first time I held my son. No other moment surpasses that.

  77. You cards look wonderful! :) That personalized wedding one is just stunning!! They will definitely love it :) I'd have to say my sweetest memory is the first time I got to lay eyes on my son :) We both had an extremely hard and dangerous labor that ended in an emergency c-section (during which I actually felt the knife and scizzors cutting open my belly). It was definitely the scariest 28 hours of my life, but that moment I finally got to see him and hold him...I'd do it all again in a heartbeat :)
    Thank you again for inviting me to join your hop! I had a blast :)

  78. These cards are amazing! Thank you so much for hosting this hop!


    Lisa J

    tjsgal at gmail dot com

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. All of your cards are fabulous, though the first 2 are my favorites. I know I'm in the minority in this regard, but I'm not a big fan of Create-a-Critter and cutesy in general. But for that style, your designs are really cute. My sweetest memory would have to be the birth of my son almost 39 years ago. I just found your blog and have become a follower as of today. Glad to see you have surpassed both of your goals. Thanks for sharing your talent and inspiration and for giving us a chance at some awesome goodies!

    lucyblueeyz at yahoo dot com

  81. Woo-woo ... looks like you're going to be mighty generous with those prize packs, as I am follower # 439 and comment #86! GEESH!!! GREAT JOB!!

    Your cards are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. TYFS! Please stop by my blog to see what I've been up to. I usually make cards, but this time, I've played with my food -- Cricut Cake!


  82. Lovely cards. My sweetest moment was when i came home from the hospital with my daughter and my husband had the house and had roses in every room.

    Katsews at gmail dotcom

  83. Having my kids was always the most amazing day in my life, all 5x.... Now every grandchild is amazing also... Love your cards..
    Happy Crafting!!!

  84. Nice projects! A sweet memory was about a year ago when a former student of 9 years ago emailed me to tell me I was the reason he was in college!!!

    adrianwallen at msn dot com

  85. Happy Valentines Day!!! I am your 440th I will be back.

  86. Well dear, it looks like you will be giving away lots of gifts this weekend as I am follower #441 and comment #90! I love these cards - they are all so sweet! I have so many sweet memories I don't know if I can pick just one. One would definitely have to be Valentine's Day 1985 when my husband proposed to me!

  87. I love the color and paper in the first card the best!!!!

  88. Beautiful cards! The first one is my fav. A sweet memory of mine is for my Birthday, my son was 3 or 4 and he made me a cake all on his own. (It was a liquid cake, made with yogurt and juice) It was all his idea and everything.

    Tanya P.
    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  89. Pretty card. My sweetest memory is when my son was 4 and he asked me to marry him for valentines day. My husband bought a cute pinky ring with a garnet in it. Now he is 13

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Marionment said...
    Great card. My sweetest memory is when my son was a small boy and made a "special" card just for me.

  92. Great card! Love the cards for your grandkids! Aren't they the BEST!?? My favorite memory is with one of my grandkids. I have a picture of it called 'Mimi's first kiss" (I'm Mimi). Laben was just a baby, can't remember his age at the time. I was holding him, facing me, standing on my legs. We had been trying to get him to say "mama", so we were really emphasizing the "mmm" sound. While I was doing the "mmm" Laben leaned forward and gave "Mimi" her first baby kiss!! (we always made that sound when we kissed him). I guess he connected a kiss with the "mmm" sound! I was so touched I cried! Laben is my first grandson, who is now 17 yrs old, and still kisses his Mimi! And since he know the story behind the picture, he even says "mmm" every once is awhile! I gotta buy that boy a car when he gets his license!! :)

  93. Oops! Forgot to five you a way to contact me. Sorry!

  94. Cute cards. My hubby writes me poems and draws for me places that mean something to us. I love it and everything is put away in a box that I treasure!
    lfuchs1 at wi. rr. com

  95. I just tonight became of follower of your work and I will definetely be watching your blog everyday. I love your cards. My greatest memories are the birth of my 3 children and then being blessed with 3 grandchildren. Life has been a blessing to me period !!

  96. Oops...forgot my way of contacing me...

  97. well you've reached your comment and your follower goal---CONGRATULATIONS!!! Sweetest memory, of course, the birth of my first was born on Valentine's Day :)

    kimsheppard6 athotmail dot com

  98. Too cute it sounds like you stay busy for your co workers. My sweetest was my grandson at 2 1/2 telling me to be careful so I do't get hurt. How cute are grandkids??

    Thanks for sharing
    karenk 3 at ameritech dot net

  99. Congratulations on all your followers..I'm glad that I could be part of your blog.
    Love all your creations...
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  100. Oooh, I hope it's not too late to enter! Just came across the hop and love your site. New follower as of now. Thanks!
    XO ~ Amy Jo (New Follower)
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

  101. I missed the hop last weekend, Georgiana, so I'm taking a look now. You made some beautiful cards. And especially love the koala bear! -- Pat. Come take a look at my new craft space if you haven't done so yet. I'm lovin' it!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I am looking forward to visiting you!