
Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Blogoversary to Carson's Creations

It is hard to believe that it has been one year since I started this site. I have to thank my friend, Yvette, for getting me hooked on Cricut. She pushed me to get my first Expression and now she probably thinks "Oh my!" Last summer, we sat and talked on the phone to figure out how to start our blogs, which backgrounds would look the best, who we should follow, and then we would call, e-mail or text each other the newest challenges we should enter.

Thank You Yvette!
Because of you I also have made many other crafty friends, hosted a few Blog Hops, applied for a couple Design Teams, and I have entered numerous challenges. I truly love the world of crafting and all it has to offer. I have learned so much and there are plenty more techniques and folds I still need to try. My list has grown and I am hoping to cross off  a few this summer.

Since I want to share this special occasion with everyone...
I would like to offer some "Blogoversary Candy". Here is the first batch. It includes: stamps, ribbons, gems, rub-ons, gold letter stickers, and die-cuts.

When I reach 600 fellow crafters I plan to add another batch. I am currently only 11 away, so I am hoping I will be shopping some more tomorrow. If I reach 675 fellow crafters before the deadline I will add another batch (sounds like cookies, huh?). How exciting!

Please leave a comment on this posting which includes:
  •  Your contact information. This should include your blog name (if you have one) and your e-mail address.
  • What you like to see on a crafting site.  For example...I like picture tutorials. It is easier for me to follow along and create the project with the step-by-step instructions.
  • If you have been following for some time, do you have a favorite posting, project, or hop that made an impression? 
Bonus: If you post about my special occasion on your site, leave a comment that you did for another chance to win. 

The deadline will be Thursday, July 12th. The winner will be posted July 13th.

Thank you again for making this a memorable year. I hope there are many more to come!
Stay Creative,
Georgiana   :)



  1. Happy Blogaversary Georgiana!!
    I posted on my blog.
    Thanks for the chance to win:)

    Elainer@cinci.rr dot com

  2. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY, Georgiana! Here's to another year of your awesome and inspiring projects! I would have to say what I would like to see more of are picture tutorials. Videos are also great, but I don't always have time to watch them. With pictures, I can follow along and learn the new technique and even print out pages for reference if needed. I'm still pretty new to blogging, just over three months, but I haven't seen a project of yours yet that I haven't loved...they have all been amazing! Happy Blogaversary again and thanks so much for the chance to win :)


  3. Happy Blogversary!!! :) Where does time fly? lol...I have been a follower of yours for a while and love your cards and projects you have made and I am a visual person so a picture or video tutorial helps me a lot and love to learn all kinds of new things and like to think out of the box! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize! :)

  4. I posted your giveaway to my sidebar! Thanks again for a chance to win :)


  5. Wow Congrats! I just love video tutorials or pics work too. I don't get written instructions when it comes to complicated things. LOL Thanks for a chance to win. Good luck with your followers. I love many of your card designs. Always something new and inspiring. ;0)

    tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com

  6. posted on my sidebar. Thanks for another chance.

    tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com

  7. Yeah!! Happy Blogoversary! :) Congrats on a year and all of your followers too! I'd have to say I prefer picture tutorials (over video) but I also like when a project is presented with the details (ie cart, paper, embellishments).

    I'd have to say my favorite thing on your blog was the Back to School Blog Hop... it was my very first hop.... thanks to you, I've been immersed in blogging for nearly a year too (July 26th in my Blogoversary). Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

    hugs, Cheryl (hahahaha)
    cardsbycg at hotmail dot com

  8. Happy Happy Happy Blogaversary!!!
    A year goes quick Hope you have many more. I look forward to seeing more and more exciting and new ideas and projects from you. I'm going to go post this now Ill be back.

  9. I posted it on the left side of my sidebar you will be there in no time.

  10. Happy Bloggiversay - congratulations!!!! I found your blog today and love it - you are very crafty!!! I am a new follower - you asked us to identify what we like on blogs - I love pictorials!!!

    Congrats again!!!


    m s s t o e n at r u n e s t o n e dot n e t

  11. Georgiana,

    I really enjoy the pictorials, they are so easy to follow along and all the pictures are there to see quickly.
    I have been a follower for a while, you have so many great projects. I really love the card with the sailboat, since my husband and I are boaters it makes me think of hanging out on the lake. A couple more faves are the firecracker & baby cards.
    Thanks for the chance to win:)
    Looking forward to another year of your projects!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you! Wow...almost 600 followers in a years time...that is a wonderful accomplishment! Like you, I enjoy tutorials with step by step instructions. I am a visual learner and it really helps me to see things put together in order. Just became a follower and look forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations!

  13. Happy Blog Anniversary! I am a new follower. I really thought I already was a follower. lol I would like to see more video tutorials or pictures too. Thank you for the chance to win a great blog candy. And I look forward on seeing more of your beautiful projects. :)

  14. Happy Blogoversary! I like tutorials with step by step pictures.

  15. Congrats on your one-year blogoversary! I have truly enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your creativity in action.

    One thing I've really enjoyed when learning some new card folds are PDF tutorials and measurement guides. PDFs are much cleaner and easier to print and keep these measurements/patterns near my craft table. I also like to read about craft organization and storage. I need storage! :)

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway and opportunity to get some new goodies. :)


  16. Wow! Congrats Georgiana! Happy Blogaversary to you!! I also like picture tutorials for a crafting site thought I do enjoy crafting videos too! Most of the time I just like to see what others have created. You're in my sidebar - I'm sure you'll reach 600 super quick! :)
    hugs, Jenn
    smile4jenn at hotmail dot com

  17. Happy Blogaversary!! That is an an amazing amount of followers in such a short time... congrats! I love written instructions for projects so I can print them out and put them in a binder to refer to later. :) You have had many amazing projects, just keep them coming!!
    got2bcrafting at gmail dot com

  18. I've been following for awhile now and my fav project you've made since i've been following is the tri fold z card that has the crab & sand castle.. its brown and blue and red.. super cute. When looking at blogs I find I like it best when there is a bigger pic of the project and then either step by step instructions or pictures so that I can recreate it if I like it. Thanks for the chance to win! Have a great day!

  19. Congratulations........I can't believe its only been a year. Love your creations, look forward to seeing lots more. I'm sure it won't take you long to reach 600

  20. Georgiana, happy anniversary so glad to have found your site and so glad that you have become a blog friend. I love all our creations and appreciate all the wonderful comments you leave for me. Keep doing what you are doing because it's perfect. Going to post your candy on my blog now.

  21. Posted on my side bar Good Luck

  22. Congrats Georgiana!!
    I really love following your blog and seeing all the goodies you come up with :0)
    I really love your tutorials, you make it very easy to follow along. While I have many favorites, I would have to say that your holiday cards are my very favorite. Thanks so much for always inspiring!
    Happy Blogoversary!!

  23. Happy blogoversary! Hope you reach your goal of 675!!! I love picture tutorials!
    shewhodreamz at gmail dot com

  24. Happy Blogaversary Georgiana and how exciting to have been blogging for a year.. I am sure your 2nd year is going to be even more exciting.. I like step by step instructions.. lol

  25. Happy Blogaversary! Your blog is amazing and you deserve all of the followers and praise that you get! Thanks for the chance to win, and thanks for all the inspiration you offer to us!! :)

  26. Happy Blogaversary!! I haven't been blogging that long- but I am already of followerof yours! I love your site, and I really like that your sidebar lists alot of the challenge sites --which I never would have found otherwise. I like picture tutorials the best as video's sometimes take too much time to watch. Thanks for the chance to win! :)Amy

  27. I have also posted your giveaway in my sidebar- thanks for another chance to win!

  28. Happy Blogaversary and congrats on all the hits. I love to see either photo or video tutorials that are easy to follow. I love to see all different kinds of projects because I think we all craft slightly differently so you can always learn or pick something up from one another.
    kimthompson68 at sky dot com
    Kim xXx

  29. I have posted this on my sidebar in date order. Thanks for another chance to win.
    Kim xXx

  30. Happy Blogoversary!! I like picture tutorials too! And you are very talented! Love everything you do! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  31. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win some great candy!

  32. Happy Blogaversary!!! I only entered the "Cricut World" in May, which is when I found your blog, so I'm fairly new to you! What I love about your blog is you do mainly cards, and good info on what's been used w/picture tutorials. I like the pictures or videos to follow, I find them helpful as opposed to just writing what was done. Another think I like about your blog, is you don't do mainly cutsy, you change it up and have a lot of elegant and practical as well. I like your style...... it appeals to me.

  33. Happy Blogaversary! Hope there are many more years to come. Pictorials are okay, but I like to hear the person speak and see how it is done in real time. I have been following for a while and like viewing your baby cards.

  34. Hi I posted about your candy on my blog :)
    My email is :)

  35. HI Georgina
    Thanks for visiting my blog today. I am so glad you did because now I have found you awesome blog and am a new follower! I would love to see lots of tutorials with instructions.
    scrapperbecka at yahoo dot com

  36. Happy Blog-a-versary! I am been a follower for a long time! I love all the hops we have have been in together! I also enjoy your guest designers!

  37. Happy Blogiversary, Georgiana! You have really done a lot with your blog in just 1 year -Congrats! I love that you have the challenges posted to the left. Have a wonderful celebration among our creative blogging community! :) ~Jen

    P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog today!

  38. Congrats on this milestone! Wow, almost 600 followers in your first year. That is terrific. I will be celbrating my first blogoversary in August and I will be thrilled if I can hit the 100 follower mark. It's been fun being on the DCD DT with you. Thanks! -Yvette

  39. Happy Blogoversary! I see you are only 4 away from your goal of 600 - I'm sure you'll reach it very soon. I'm a visual learner, so I like to see video tutorials. I find some of the Cricut carts hard to figure out, so I especially like seeing some of those demonstrated.

  40. I posted about your blogoversary giveaway on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

  41. Wonderful candy & congratulations on your blogoversary neerly 600. I'm so pleased I found you. xx Jan

  42. Happy Blogoversary Georgiana!!! That is great that you have made it to your 1st year. And even more awesome that you are only 2 away from 300...get it girl!!! I have been a follower, but a lot of my followed blogs are disappearing and I have to hit now I am your newest follower..again...LOL! I love to see an array of different crafts on sites, but also prefer picture step by step rather than video. I can go a lot quicker and there is no need to hit "rewind" when I get interrupted halfway through. I think the first ever project I saw of yours made an impression. You made a card, I think, that had a tree on it. It was similar to a tree you have in your yard. I remember the flowers and how pretty they were. It reminded me of a cherry blossom flower. So happy for your wonderful achievements. Good luck on reaching your next goal (675)!!!

  43. Happy Blogoversary! Congrats on a year and all of your followers too! I have had such a great time following and being inspired by you. :) Also I truly appreciate all the sweet comments you've left on my projects. :) Have a great day!!

    stars paper passion at gmail dot com

  44. Wow! 600 followers in one year! That is amazing! I am a new follower, bringing you to 599 so only one more to go!

    I love seeing picture step-by-step directions on blogs. It makes things super easy to recreate! Plus you can print them out and save them if you want to.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    michelegreen120 at gmail dot com

  45. Congrats on getting 600 followers! Thanks for the chance to win. I will share your giveaway on FB. :)

  46. Happy Blogaversary..... I am sooo thrilled for you... You are sooo super talented and I am so glad we met through the blogging world. I posted a post about your giveaway on my blog....

  47. Oh I am so excited I am number 600
    I prefer picture tutorials rather than video ones

  48. Happy Blogaversary!! You are at 600 followers!!! That is amazing. I really like seeing videos on blogs on how they made their project. I really liked your z fold cards you did with the crabs/beach theme they were very neat!! Thanks for the chance to win
    sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

  49. I think I am # 301 follower! congrats! I love tutorials! joydee1963 at yahoo at yahoo dot com

  50. Happy blogaversary!!! Looks like I am 601!!! I have to confess I am a brand new follower....Celest at touched by a butterfly posted your giveaway so I came over to check you out! But I am staying cuz I like what I see, not for the you can excluded me if you wish....I just didn;t want you to think that was the entire reason i was here!! I am like you...I love tutorials for dummies....LOL. Step by step in easy to underzstand english...with photos if necessary!!! Good luck reaching 675!!

  51. I am new to you - referred to you by a friend. I LOVE making cards and getting ideas for them. I have a web site neldacnm at yahoo

  52. Congrats on your anniversary and success. I am now a follower. Thanks for offering such awesome goodies as blog candy. ~Shen

  53. Happy Blogaversary!! I love your blog, and like how you use enough pictures to explain your process easily. I make a lot of cards so I really like to see all the different cards you make for inspiration :)

    Emily (coolcricutcreations at yahoo dot com)

  54. Oh my the things that I miss when my life gets to busy for me to come by and visit!!! Happy Blogaversary!!!! I just love everything that you do. I like both picture tutorials as well as video. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy!!! :)
    anmeron at alabamabroadband dot net

  55. I posted on my blog about your blogaversary and I also posted it on my sidebar!! :)
    anmeron at alabamabroadband dot net

  56. Congratulations! Thanks for following me and your kind words.

  57. Congrats on your anniversary and success.
    thanks for great candy) I am a follower)
    I am new in scrapbooking, and I really need in this amount of goodies you offer. Thank you!
    I linked it on sidebar.
    hugs. Hlora.

  58. Happy Blogaversary! I am a new follower and I like what I see! I am looking forward to seeing more!

  59. Congratulations on your anniversary and on over 600 followers. Good luck on reaching 675.

    I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE any kind of tutorials. My "favorites" is overflowing with tutorials that I want to try.

    I saw in your updated post that you wanted to add some buttons and thread and thought that was so funny because that is the thing I like most about your projects is that you use buttons a lot. I always totally forget about buttons being a person that sews a lot I get into the mind set that buttons are for fabric and forget about them being for cards also.

    Your post on my blog about rosettes I am sorry to say that I don't have any hints other than if you have a bunch to do start early. My fingers got so sore from rubbing them along so many folded edges. Other than that they are very very easy to do. Thank you for commenting.

    Precious Hugs
    kidsrmybiz at charter dot net

  60. hie

    happy bloganneversary dear..

    thanks for a chance to win...

    My contact info:

    well....i love to ee tutorials and creations for inspiration on craft sites...

  61. i have added other pic too on my sidebar... :)

  62. congrats on ur first blogoversary and the thing that i most like to see in a blog are picture tutorial as compared to video ones as i find them much easier to follow. is my blog
    and my e mail id is

  63. i am posting about your candy in my sidebar so thanks for the second chance to win.

  64. Hi Georgiana, somehow I missed this post first time around! HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY TO YOU! Very cool. And what a terrific giveaway--you're beyond generous! I've always liked that you posted the challenge sites on your blog; nice feature.--Pat N.

  65. Hello!
    I'm a new follower... congrats for your first year blogging :)
    Your candy is yummy! Thanks for the chance!
    My blog is Ardilla's Papers. My mail is "paper dot ardilla at gmail dot com".
    I love tutorials if you ask me... It's the best way to teach other what you can do :)
    Thanks for the chance with your candy.

  66. I forgot to tell you your candy is in my sidebar :)

  67. Happy first year blogging! I am a new follower! I love to see picture videos. I like to see how the projects are put together from beg to end! Thanks for a chance to win some wondeful goodies!

  68. I put your giveaway in my sidebar!--Pat N.

  69. Happy Blog Anniversary! I am a follower and thank you for the chance to win the blog candy.

  70. Happy blogaversary! And congrats, you've surpassed 600 followers! I love all the inspiration you provide. Love picture tutorials too! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  71. I posted your giveaway on my blog!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  72. Wow, congrats on your blogaversary and I am sure your gonna clear your 600 with ease!!

    I love to see new styles of cards and just love the things you do, I have been following a while now, may not comment all the time but just know that I am following you!

    mzcherub @ gmail dot com

  73. Congrats on so many followers!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  74. I am a new follower! I am also pretty new to crafting! I like to see tutorials so I can see peoples techniques! Well congrats on your followers!

  75. You have a great site. Thanks for all the info.

  76. Congrats, I am new to your blog, I grabbed your button, tried to become follower, but the follower spot is blank, I will come back later and try again.
    mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

  77. Happy Blogaversary!!! And thanks for a chance to win some great candy! I'm a new follower.

    I really like the organizing posts you have from time to time. I think we're all looking for better ways to organize on a daily basis!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  78. I posted a pic of your updated candy and a link back to your blog on my candy page.

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  79. I would love to be in with a chance to win your blog candy, i am a follower of yours and I have posted a pic of your blog candy on the side bar of my blog. Thank you
    Karen x

  80. Congratulations on your blogoversary. I'm an old follower. Yes I too like to see pic. tutorials and like your Z fold tutorial.
    jolea dot 1994 at gmail dot com

  81. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I am a new follower.

    I like to see video series on blogs. Say a project that has several steps and each day you get a video on one of the steps.

    Thank you! Can't wait to see what more you have got in store for us!

    nginerd at gmail dot com

  82. Your contact information. This should include your blog name (if you have one) and your e-mail address.
    Jodi P.
    jodicath at gmail dot com

    I love picture and video tutorials that show techniques or how to use something (how to use a certain tool, how to tie a nice bow, etc.) Basically anything that gives me a new technique that I can apply to something I'm working on.

    I'm new to the blogging world, so I've just discovered you, but I took a look at some of your posts and I liked the post from Saturday, June 18, 2011, where you showed the Z fold - it was a fold I'd totally forgotten about, and I've made a mental note to use it in the future.

    I linked to your post on my blog too

    Happy blogoversary & thanks for the chance to win :)

  83. Happy Blogaversary Georgiana! When it come to blogs I love seeing Tutorials. I'm into making different but cool type's of cards that have fancy folds. My current favorite is the Easel card.
    I've just become a new follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance
    Hugs, Rosalee

  84. I have also added your giveaway to my sidebar. Thanks again for the chances
    Hugs, Rosalee

  85. Wow, Happy Blogaversary!!! I have really enjoyed visiting your blog, watching your tutorials and seeing all your great creations. TFS!
    I look forward to seeing more form you! I am a follower:) Thanks for a chance to win!
    Sherrie K

  86. I have posted your blog candy on my sidebar. Thanks again for a chance!
    Sherrie K

  87. Love your candy!!!
    I always like a tutorials on blogs coz I newbee in scrap and need some inspirations and instructions!!!
    Svetlana xx

  88. And I posted your candy on my sidebar
    Svetlana xx

  89. Wooohooo congrats
    krazykcrafters at msn dot com

  90. I am posting for a chance at your giveaway. My email is and my blog is loving scrapper 101. I enjoy great projects and how tos (like you in video form). I also love giveaways.

  91. Hi!
    Thanks for the chance of winning your candy!
    I have posted this at my sidebar aswell.
    Just follow my name to visit my blog. ;)
    Just step-by-step tutorials is the thing i like, I'm new to most of the creations so I love them!


  92. Happy Blogoversary, Georgiana!!

    What do I love to see on crafting sites - details about how the cards/layouts are assembled or what the thought process was in designing a project.

    I have been following you for awhile, I can't decide on a favorite though lol! I think your recent summer cards are perfect takes on the summer season!


  93. Hi Georgiana,
    I posted about your blogoversary on my blog!

  94. Hi and Happy Blogoversary!! I am a new follower, I look forward to visiting your blog, thanks for the giveaway! And by the way, I'm with you - picture tuts all the way.. I'm a visual learner!

  95. Hello, I just became a follower of your great blog, Your creations are so great, thanks for the chance to win such amazing candy...

    Claudia W.

  96. Hi again, I just posted it on the sidebar of my blog,

    I love making my own embellishments, some I just can't but others are fairly easy, so when I see a tutorial for a flower, ribbon, or anything else that's pretty on a blog or crafting page I've got to try it out, right away.. :)
    thanks again for the chance.. :)
    Claudia W.

  97. Congrats on your blogaversary! I love to see picture tutorials, so I can understand it all. :)


  98. Congrats on the blogaversary. I love picture tutorials as well. Videos are great in theory but I don't always have time to watch them.

  99. Happy Blogaversary! My favorite are picture tutorials too. That way you don't have to rewind if you miss a portion:)


  100. I posted your giveaway in my sidebar and linked it back to your blog. Thanks for another chance to win.


  101. I became a new follower. I like to see tutorials, both still picture and video. I love to learn new techniques! Happy blogaversary!

    jonder at frontier dot com

  102. I also posted this on my blog.

  103. Happy Blogaversary! I love to see tutorials and learn new ways of crafting. I love to check your blog often for great ideas. Thanks

  104. Happy Blogoversary!!!I am not a good commenter (a lurker I guess,lol), but I love checking out your blog. My fave thing to see is picture tutorials. I never seem to be able to understand how to do something unless I see it, so they help me a lot.
    Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful inspiration with us all!

  105. Happy Blogoversary! I've only been a following since yesterday. I'm pretty new to the paper crafting world, just got my first Cricut in Feb. But now I'm pretty addicted and just want to learn all the different things out there to make. I just recently started a blog so needless to say I'm no where near 675 followers, but hopefully when I get to my blogoversary I'll be close to that too. I do like to see tutorials on crafting sites, they seem to help me make things especially videos. Can't wait to see more of your projects!


  106. Happy Blogoversary!!! I would love to see how to use my cricut better or/and gypsy.
    I am a follower.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  107. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the chance at a wonderful stash of goodies and I love picture tut's it's quicker to view don't get me wrong when I have the time I will watch the videos no prob :)
    I'm a new follower
    hugs Nikki

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. I've also linked you in my sidebar here
    thanks for the 2nd chance
    hugs Nikki
    elusionary60 at


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I am looking forward to visiting you!